Quick recap of Barnard’s Scholar & Feminism Conference XL: Action on Education
Last Friday and Saturday I attended the Barnard Scholar & Feminism Conference XL: Action on Education. The LX means it’s the 40th year of the this conference, but they also playfully reclaimed the “extra large” connotation as well. You can read… Continue Reading Quick recap of Barnard’s Scholar & Feminism Conference XL: Action on Education

A few games I played at year’s end
It’s the time of year when everyone comes out with their “best of” lists. One that came via twitter was the “forest ambassador 2014 games of the year” compiled by merritt kopas and friends. I spent an afternoon playing a good number… Continue Reading A few games I played at year’s end

CNI fall 2014, Dispatch #2: It’s all about relationships
At CNI 2014, I decided to pick a topic and focus, rather than graze on all the various and interesting issues being discussed. So I attended all the sessions that had to do with linked data plus related technologies and standards. Why… Continue Reading CNI fall 2014, Dispatch #2: It’s all about relationships
CNI fall 2014, Dispatch #1: 12/7 Executive Roundtable on Supporting Digital Humanities
I’m here in Washington, DC for the Coalition for Networked Information‘s 2014 fall membership meeting. CNI meetings are typically attended by heads of libraries and heads of library or campus information technology. I came to participate in yesterday’s Executive Roundtable on… Continue Reading CNI fall 2014, Dispatch #1: 12/7 Executive Roundtable on Supporting Digital Humanities

We have work to do: Minority Representation in US ARL University Libraries as of 2012-2013
ARL just came out with this poster Minority Representation in US ARL University Libraries as of 2012-2013: Taking a Closer Look at the Evidence. The two findings that stand out for me are 1) that women still make less then their counterparts… Continue Reading We have work to do: Minority Representation in US ARL University Libraries as of 2012-2013

Using our Influence: Why I support the Ada Initiative
Update: Librarians donate over $10,000 to the Ada Initiative! On the first day of a 7-day challenge, librarians came through and met the goal. Now we’re looking at stretch goals. See the post above for details. —– I haven’t been blogging for… Continue Reading Using our Influence: Why I support the Ada Initiative
Questions about Project Management, for the 2014 SLA-NY Conference-Expo
Update 10/11/2014: I was unable to participate in this conference as I had to go out of town at the last minute. But here NYU’s own, Eric Stedfeld, representing for NYU project management at the event! I’ve been invited to… Continue Reading Questions about Project Management, for the 2014 SLA-NY Conference-Expo
What lies behind admonitions to be kind?
There was recently a conversation on a list that I mostly lurk on about the relationship between kindness and leadership. General consensus was that kindness is an essential aspect of leadership and should be cultivated. I took issue with this suggestion.… Continue Reading What lies behind admonitions to be kind?
My job? Make it easier for employees to do their jobs well.
Over the past few years I’ve been thinking about how I can be a better manager of people. That is to say, how I can be better for them. Sure, I’m concerned about the needs of the organization and institution.… Continue Reading My job? Make it easier for employees to do their jobs well.

Will the “Next New World” really have so few women and people of color?
To: Thomas Friedman, Organizer, Next New World forum (contact link for Friedman is here) Meg Whitman, President and CEO, HP; Sponsor of Next New World forum Nicholas B. Dirks, Chancellor, University of California Berkeley; Sponsor of Next New World forum, chancellor@berkeley.edu Janet Napolitano, President, University… Continue Reading Will the “Next New World” really have so few women and people of color?

I wouldn’t want be on their team. Would you?
Yesterday I was reading through some older email and found a nice list of project management tools to try. I clicked through to look at a few of them and decided to also look at the teams who built them.… Continue Reading I wouldn’t want be on their team. Would you?

Biases and errors in our tools: how do you cope? Reflections of a newcomer to textual analysis.
On February 22, 2014, I had the pleasure of moderating a panel at the NYU Humanities Initiative entitled Using Digital Tools in the Classroom and in Research. (Here are the videos of 3 of the 4 panelists’ presentations and the… Continue Reading Biases and errors in our tools: how do you cope? Reflections of a newcomer to textual analysis.

Learning to See by Listening to Others: On Discrimination in Libraries
Months ago when I heard from Rachel Frick that she was working with others to organize a summit on leadership and gender, I volunteered immediately to help in any way I can. As a woman in a “woman’s profession,” where… Continue Reading Learning to See by Listening to Others: On Discrimination in Libraries
Setting aside work time to play and experiment
I’m sitting in a meeting room on the 5th floor of Bobst Library (part of our Research Commons) adjacent to the Digital Studio. I’m here with three other people. The room is silent except for clicking keyboards and the occasional… Continue Reading Setting aside work time to play and experiment

SERVICES! for all areas of knowledge!
For the past three years at NYU Libraries, we have been thinking deeply about how libraries can support digital scholarship in a scalable and sustainable way. My colleague, Monica McCormick, and I gave a presentation on this topic at the Digital Library Federation… Continue Reading SERVICES! for all areas of knowledge!