Library IT Projects As Drivers Of Organizational Change
This is a talk I gave way back in 2017. I was invited by Rachel Frick to keynote the first OCLC DevConnect developer conference. Five years later now, I just had an opportunity to re-read this presentation and thought it… Continue Reading Library IT Projects As Drivers Of Organizational Change

Comfort with ambiguity in the age of Covid-19
From a twitter thread I wrote today in which I asked, “Are you un/comfortable with the level of ambiguity we’re experiencing professionally right now (not enough info, lacking specifics)? We often see “comfortable with ambiguity” in job ads & this… Continue Reading Comfort with ambiguity in the age of Covid-19

Practicing and cultivating leadership
I’ve been in my current position for two years now and I’ve been thinking a lot about the many ways to practice effective leadership and to expand my skills. In November 2016 I moved from a middle management position–where I… Continue Reading Practicing and cultivating leadership

What I learned during my job search, part 2
This is the second part in a series. See Part 1, on Impostor Syndrome, Dunning-Kruger, and Compassion. The job search process can be so secretive. Rarely do people make it widely know that they are on the job market. And once… Continue Reading What I learned during my job search, part 2

What I learned during my job search, part 1
The news is out: I’m leaving NYU to become Associate Director for Information Technology at Ohio State University Libraries, reporting to Vice Provost and Director of University Libraries Damon Jaggers. Aside from the excitement of taking on a new challenge under a new boss… Continue Reading What I learned during my job search, part 1

Reducing Bias in the Library Job Interview
This post is a follow up to my recent In the Library with the Lead Pipe article entitled The Quest for Diversity in Library Staffing: From Awareness to Action. I ended that article with “Brass Tacks for Library Leaders,” suggesting some… Continue Reading Reducing Bias in the Library Job Interview
What lies behind admonitions to be kind?
There was recently a conversation on a list that I mostly lurk on about the relationship between kindness and leadership. General consensus was that kindness is an essential aspect of leadership and should be cultivated. I took issue with this suggestion.… Continue Reading What lies behind admonitions to be kind?
My job? Make it easier for employees to do their jobs well.
Over the past few years I’ve been thinking about how I can be a better manager of people. That is to say, how I can be better for them. Sure, I’m concerned about the needs of the organization and institution.… Continue Reading My job? Make it easier for employees to do their jobs well.

I wouldn’t want be on their team. Would you?
Yesterday I was reading through some older email and found a nice list of project management tools to try. I clicked through to look at a few of them and decided to also look at the teams who built them.… Continue Reading I wouldn’t want be on their team. Would you?

Learning to See by Listening to Others: On Discrimination in Libraries
Months ago when I heard from Rachel Frick that she was working with others to organize a summit on leadership and gender, I volunteered immediately to help in any way I can. As a woman in a “woman’s profession,” where… Continue Reading Learning to See by Listening to Others: On Discrimination in Libraries
Setting aside work time to play and experiment
I’m sitting in a meeting room on the 5th floor of Bobst Library (part of our Research Commons) adjacent to the Digital Studio. I’m here with three other people. The room is silent except for clicking keyboards and the occasional… Continue Reading Setting aside work time to play and experiment
“Digital humanities in higher education” @ ITHAKA Sustainable Scholarship conference 2013,
Update: This session was videotaped and you can watch it here http://vimeo.com/album/2611239/video/79505431 Today I took part in a panel entitled “Digital humanities in higher education” at the ITHAKA Sustainable Scholarship Conference 2013. This panel included Karen Calhoun (moderator), AUL Organizational Development and… Continue Reading “Digital humanities in higher education” @ ITHAKA Sustainable Scholarship conference 2013,
Day of Digital Humanities, 2013
As part of the “Day of Digital Humanities, 2013” (Monday, 4/8/2013), I’ll be blogging over here about my day of digital scholarship.
Women and work, flexibility and management
Last week was a busy news week for women who work. Marissa Mayer, CEO of Yahoo, issued a memo to her employees saying they could no longer work from home. Yahoo is in bad shape and apparently Mayer believes the ban… Continue Reading Women and work, flexibility and management
Supporting Digital Scholarship in Research Libraries: Scalability and Sustainability
Monica McCormick and I just published an article entitled “Supporting Digital Scholarship in Research Libraries: Scalability and Sustainability” in the Journal of Library Administration special issue “Digital Humanities in Libraries: New Models for Scholarly Engagement,” edited by Barbara Rockenbach (Columbia University).… Continue Reading Supporting Digital Scholarship in Research Libraries: Scalability and Sustainability